Load your generator into Porcupine
Once the code generator is written, it needs to be loaded into Porcupine before it will produce code for your new package. This can be done by editing the CodeEditor file. The most basic setup should
- Notify the program that there is a new language called “Squirrel”
- Add a new QTextEdit and put that in a new tab
- Attach the SquirrelGenerator
This can all be done by making a simple function setupSquirrelEditor()
to take
care of this:
void CodeEditor::setupSquirrelEditor(
QString squirrel("Squirrel");
m_programmingLanguages << squirrel;
QTextEdit* squirrelEditor = new QTextEdit(this);
m_textEditors[squirrel] = squirrelEditor;
m_codeGenerators[squirrel] = new SquirrelGenerator(this);
addTab(m_textEditors[squirrel], squirrel);
It should be noted that this setup is only required when there is at least one
Squirrel node in the editor. So it is advised to add the following to the
language = "Squirrel";
if(isPresentInEditor(language, _nodeList))
In the next section we will show how to take care of the layout of the code editor.