Add your own workflow to our gallery

We’d love to add your custom Porcupine pipeline to our website! To do so, please follow these instructions.

Step 1: fork our repository

We serve this website using Github pages, so adding content is as easy as modifying content in the docs/ folder of our repository (

Fork Porcupine on Github.

Step 2: add a new directory with our files

Then, add a directory in the docs/_examples/example_pipelines directory with a sensible name (like “freesurfer_recon_all_example”). Make sure to add the following files to that directory:

  1. Your .pork file containing your Porcupine-pipeline
  2. Your .py file with the Porcupine-generated Python code (optional)
  3. The associated Dockerfile (optional)
  4. Custom Python modules (if you used them) in both JSON and .py format (optional)
  5. A screenshot or SVG-exported image of your workflow editor (so that we can use it as a thumbnail in our gallery!)

Step 3: add a new markdown file describing your pipeline

After creating a directory with the files listed above, you only need to create a markdown-file in which you shortly describe your pipeline and list the download links of your files. We’ve written a template for you, such that you only have to adapt some of the text in there! This template is located at docs/_examples/template_new_example; just copy its contents in a new file, which should be located at docs/_examples/ Give it a sensible name (like “10_freesurfer_recon_example”), in which you start the filename with a number (which should follow the order of the already existing example markdown files, to preserve order in the gallery).

Thus, suppose that you want to add your “freesurfer recon-all pipeline”. Then the docs/_examples directory of your Porcupine-fork should look similar to the following:

└── example_pipelines
    └── freesurfer_recon_all_example
        ├── Dockerfile
        ├── your_pork_file.pork
        ├── mycustommodule.JSON
        └── image_of_your_workflow_editor.png

Step 4: send us a pull-request!

Once you’ve added the directory with your files and added a markdown-file (based on the provided template), you can simply send us a pull-request on Github and we’ll merge it into our repository as soon as possible!

Send us a pull request on Github.